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Communa Network (Productivity Tool & Freelance Marketplace)










Communa Network represents a crypto-infused advancement in platforms for remote workers, drawing inspiration from established platforms like Upwork. Our core objective is to leverage the power of blockchain technology to elevate transparency, security, and efficiency for remote workers.

For a detailed overview of our vision, please refer to the lite paper, which outlines our mission, values, and the innovative ways in which we aim to reshape the freelancing landscape through blockchain integration.

Our lite paper is accessible at https://communa.network/litepaper

Our competitors

In the landscape of TimeTracking applications, our competition includes established players such as Hubstaff, Toggl, and Timedoctor. These platforms have gained recognition for their offerings.

Turning to freelancing marketplaces, two major platforms stand out:

  1. Upwork: A prominent leader connecting employers with freelancers, known for its extensive user base and diverse range of projects.
  1. Braintrust: An emerging crypto network, established in 2019, positioned as an alternative to Upwork with a focus on decentralized principles.

However, what sets us apart is our commitment to operating as open-source software. In addition to this, we go beyond conventional payment methods by providing crypto payments, particularly aimed at benefiting remote workers who may face challenges in traditional financial systems.

This unique combination of open-source functionality, activity, and crypto payments distinguishes our platform, positioning us as a progressive and inclusive solution for the evolving needs of remote workers.

Our vision

Communa is poised to evolve into an open-source framework, providing everyone the option to effortlessly install their white-labeled marketplace for free, much like platforms such as Mastodon.

End users will gain access to not just a singular network, such as a freelancer network, but a diverse array that includes services like reconstruction, car workshops and babysitting. This unified experience is made possible by a single user profile, enabling individuals to navigate various networks seamlessly. Notably, the reputation earned within one network, especially in the computer-related domain, will seamlessly carry over to others, thanks to the integration of blockchain layers and smart contracts.
These key problems highlight Communa's commitment to revolutionizing the freelancing landscape by providing a decentralized, transparent, and accessible framework.


Our plan to acquire users

Our user acquisition strategy for the Communa network centers on the unique value proposition presented by Communa TimeTracker. We aim to highlight its distinctive features and benefits to attract a diverse user base, meeting the needs of both remote workers and businesses seeking efficient time-tracking solutions.

We are developing our time-tracking application, which will help remote workers track time spent while working on their projects and allow businesses to automate time tracking for their employees. Our time-tracking application is open-source and free of charge.

Communa TimeTracker is our open-source alternative to Hubstaff.

Target users

Our target users encompass two primary groups:

  1. Remote Workers: Individuals who work remotely either as freelancers, contractors, or employees of distributed teams. They require a reliable tool to track their working hours accurately, manage projects efficiently, and ensure timely completion of tasks.
  1. Businesses: Companies of all sizes, especially those with remote or distributed teams, seeking to automate time tracking processes for their employees. They value cost-effective solutions that enhance productivity, provide insights into employee workload, and facilitate better resource allocation.

Our Solution & Business Model

Communa, as a product, will derive revenue through a 5% fee imposed on freelancer income. The platform follows a weekly payment structure for freelancers.

Furthermore, we envisage the introduction of our utility token, COMM. Transactions between parties using COMM tokens will incur no additional charges. The Communa Token functions as the utility token for the Communa platform, operating on a blockchain network akin to Ethereum. This token acts as a medium of exchange within the platform, streamlining transactions and interactions among freelancers, clients, and the overall ecosystem.

What defines us is the desire to create a simple, convenient, free, open-source product for everyone who values their time and strictly follows a time tracker. The application of this technology is possible not only in IT but also in offline tasks, such as training, cleaning, babysitting, and much more.

By combining a freelance marketplace, a time tracker, and a convenient payment method, we are going to create an excellent tool for solving a multitude of tasks. The usage is free and unlimited, and a commission is only charged when using the integrated crypto payments, backed by an escrow guarantee.

Problems to be solved

Communa aims to address several key challenges in the remote work industry by leveraging blockchain technology with support from crypto community.

  1. Decentralized Identity: The decentralized reputation system built on the blockchain aims to tackle issues related to trust and transparency. Freelancers often face challenges in proving the authenticity of their profiles and work history. By recording job contracts as NFTs on the blockchain, Communa provides a tamper-proof system that enables users to verify credentials and work history without relying on centralized authorities.
    • Problem: Existing platforms operate centrally, leading to trust issues, high fees, and limited transparency.
    • Solution: Communa leverages blockchain for decentralization, fostering trust, reducing costs, and ensuring transparency through smart contracts.
  1. Time-Tracking: Communa's desktop time-tracking application aims to streamline this process, automating the tracking of working hours. It not only saves a ton of time but also simplifies invoicing and payments.
    • Problem: Current tracking solutions lack crypto integrations and payments.
    • Solution: Communa offers a free, cross-platform time tracking application, easing the burden for freelancers and promoting efficient project management.
  1. Instant Payments: Many freelancers, encounter delays and inefficiencies in traditional payment methods. Communa's use of blockchain and stablecoins, potentially integrating with Chainlink, enables fast and reliable payments. This can significantly benefit freelancers by providing a more efficient and accessible payment solution.
    • Problem: Freelancers face hurdles with diverse global currencies and payment methods.
    • Solution: Integration with blockchain networks and stablecoins provides fast, reliable, and accessible payments worldwide, overcoming traditional banking limitations.

Evidence of importance

Our project holds significant importance due to several pressing reasons:

  1. In the current landscape, there is a glaring absence of open-source platforms tailored specifically for remote workers.
    This gap limits accessibility and innovation within the freelancing community.
  1. Existing platforms predominantly operate on centralized models, often imposing fees on users and maintaining control over user accounts. This centralized control introduces vulnerabilities, where user accounts can be arbitrarily blocked, jeopardizing not only their access but also their hard-earned reputation and trust within the platform's ecosystem.

    The repercussions of account blocking are severe for freelancers, as they risk losing their accumulated ratings and the trust they've painstakingly built over time.
    This loss not only impacts their ability to secure new projects but also undermines their credibility and livelihood in the freelance marketplace.

  1. The lack of ownership over user profiles exacerbates these challenges. Freelancers are essentially at the mercy of platform policies, with limited control over their data and reputations. This lack of ownership not only diminishes autonomy but also undermines the trust and transparency essential for healthy freelance ecosystems.

In essence, addressing these pressing issues should be prioritized as they directly impact the livelihoods and professional well-being of freelancers worldwide. The evidence of this demand is underscored by the frustrations voiced by freelancers across existing platforms and the growing recognition within the industry for more inclusive, transparent, and decentralized solutions.

Overview of the technology stack

We are committed to utilizing industry-standard tools and frameworks for backend and frontend development, ensuring cross-platform compatibility for time tracking, and exploring the integration of smart contracts.

  1. Web Application Backend
    • TypeScript and Node.js: The web application's backend is developed using TypeScript, along with Node.js. This combination provides a robust and scalable foundation for the application's backend logic.
    • PostgreSQL: The backend database is powered by PostgreSQL, a powerful open-source relational database system giving efficient management of relational data.


  1. Web Frontend Application
    • Next.js: The frontend application is built on top of Next.js, taking advantage of its React-based framework. This allows for the creation of dynamic and responsive user interfaces, providing an optimal user experience for freelancers and clients.


  1. Cross-Platform Time Tracking Application
    • QT6 Framework: Communa develops its cross-platform time tracking application using the QT6 framework. QT6 provides a comprehensive set of tools for developing graphical user interfaces and cross-platform applications, ensuring consistency and efficiency in time tracking across various operating systems.


  1. Smart Contracts
    • EVM Network: Communa plans to implement its smart contracts on the Polygon network. Smart contracts on the Polygon network will be crucial for automating processes, ensuring secure transactions, and leveraging the benefits of blockchain technology.


Development state

Since its inception in February 2023, the project has made significant strides in realizing its vision of a crypto-infused platform for remote workers. We are progressing on multiple fronts to realize our vision for a decentralized freelancing platform. Here's a comprehensive update on our parallel development efforts:

  1. Web3 Application:
    • Backend: The foundation has been laid with the initiation of the backend development on Node.js. The API layer is established, complete with automated tests and Swagger documentation, providing a robust backend structure.
    • Frontend: Initial steps have been taken on the front end, focusing on user authentication, job searching, and posting functionalities. This marks the beginning of crafting the user interface for a seamless experience.
  1. Smart Contracts:
    • Initial Setup: While progress on smart contracts is currently limited, foundational work has begun. Further development in this area is planned, with a primary focus closer to the final stages of the project.
  1. Communa TimeTracker:
    • A notable achievement in this trajectory is the Communa TimeTracker cross-platform application, which is now ready for beta testing. The first release of the application facilitates time recording by remote workers, generating essential data for invoices and payments. Our cross-platform application is available at - https://communa.network/download

As we progress on these parallel tracks, our commitment remains strong to deliver a comprehensive and innovative solution for the freelancing community.

For the latest updates on our development progress and to get involved, visit our GitHub - https://github.com/communa

Community Impact

Communa will positively impact the blockchain ecosystem by driving adoption, highlighting strengths of blockchain tech, and encouraging open-source collaboration. Apart from that, our project holds several potential benefits for the broader community:

Ecosystem growth

By operating on the EVM blockchain, Communa inherently becomes part of a broader ecosystem. This integration can potentially stimulate further development and innovation within the community, as the project establishes connections and interoperability with other EVM-based projects.

Productivity tooling

Communa's utilization of smart contracts for tasks such as time-tracking, invoicing, and payments is a practical example for other developers interested in incorporating automation into their projects on EVM blockchains.

Open-Source Contribution

Communa is an open-source project, that contributes to the ethos of collaboration within blockchain community. Other developers can leverage our codebase, learn from our implementation, and potentially contribute to the project's enhancement, fostering a culture of shared knowledge and innovation.

Decentralized Identity

The implementation of a decentralized reputation system on Communa provides a valuable use case for other developers exploring ways to establish trust and transparency within their applications.

Risks and challenges

Grant funds would be instrumental in securing strategic guidance, ensuring seamless token integration, and assisting with user adoption during the initial stages of development.

Strategic Advisory

As a first-stage project, Communa requires strategic guidance on the launch process.

The primary need is strategic assistance in navigating the initial development and launch stages. Expert advice on market positioning, user acquisition, and technology integration will significantly contribute to the project's success.


To introduce the native token seamlessly, Communa requires expertise in tokenomics. Strategic support in creating a token model that facilitates fee-less transactions is paramount.

User Awareness

Attracting users to the platform is crucial for a successful launch, and strategic campaigns would play a pivotal role in achieving this goal. This could include blockchain marketing strategists and launch specialists who can provide valuable insights and guide the project through the initial stages of marketing.

External funding raised

As of now, we have not secured any external funding. Our project's development remains self-funded, reflecting our confidence in its potential and our commitment to driving its success through internal resources. This independent financial stance underscores our dedication to achieving key milestones and objectives through our efforts.

Ongoing expenses or debt

At present, we do not have any substantial expenses or financial debt. The ongoing development of our project is self-financed, and we are committed to maintaining this approach. This financial independence underscores our dedication to the project's progress and allows us to focus on its development without external financial obligation

Funding required

We aspire to secure $50,000 in funding, primarily earmarked for the development of key components crucial to our platform's success. This includes the backend, which encompasses the API layer, the front end constituting the primary user interface, the implementation of smart contracts, and the creation of our time-tracking application.

These essential elements collectively form the backbone of our project, and the allocated funds will play a pivotal role in ensuring their effective and efficient development.


While we acknowledge the significance of timelines, we prioritize quality and precision over rigid adherence to specific dates. Embracing flexibility in our timeline expectations allows us to adapt to the dynamic nature of software development.

The development needed for the initial releases of the Communa Network is projected to take around 1200 working hours, corresponding to a budget of $50,000.

A small portion will be dedicated to launching the Communa utility token, including establishing tokenomics and providing initial support to the ecosystem.

For a detailed overview of our development roadmap, please visit Communa Network Roadmap.

Web application

Up to 3 months resulting in up to 480 working hours.

Time Tracker

Up to 2 months resulting in up to 360 working hours.

Smart Contracts

Up to 2 months resulting in up to 360 working hours.


We envision the development phases for Communa as follows:

1. Foundational Setup

2. Web Application

3. Time Tracker (Current Phase)

4. Smart Contracts

5. Payments

6. Utility Token (COMM)

KPI metrics

It's understandable that at this stage, public metrics may not be available.

Tracking metrics like downloads and daily usage of Communa TimeTracker, along with accounts created, fees paid, and the growth of the utility token (COMM), are key indicators of our platform's performance and user engagement.

Here's a brief breakdown of the significance of each metric:

  1. Downloads and Daily Usage:
    • Indicates the reach and popularity of Communa TimeTracker.
    • Monitors user adoption and the frequency of application use.
  1. Accounts Created:
    • Reflects user interest and acquisition.
    • Measures the growth of your user base.
  1. Fees Paid:
    • Indicates the financial activity on your platform.
    • Tracks the revenue generated, providing insights into the platform's sustainability.
  1. Growth of Utility Token (COMM):
    • Monitors the adoption and acceptance of your utility token.
    • Reflects the ecosystem's health and the token's value.


Our team stands out as the ideal group to build this product for several compelling reasons:

Ivan Proskuryakov

A senior software engineer with an impressive track record of over 10 years of commercial experience in startups, LinkedIn - https://www.linkedin.com/in/ivanproskuryakov/

Andrey U

39 years old, currently responsible for market research, financial planning, and future work on the tokenization of Communa and the development of partnership relations. Has extensive experience in the IT sphere since 1999, in niches such as affiliate programs, direct marketing, research and sales, stock, and crypto trading. Previously, co-owner of private affiliate programs with a wide network of advertisements and popular products with a turnover of over $1 million per month. Also, has significant experience in managing businesses in the local region, as well as in the development and management of personnel.

Dmitrii Shneyder

38 years old. HR and operations director. The project manager is the person responsible for the systematization of work processes, planning, and the whole cycle of management tasks. Methodologist of product development and idea evolution.

Legal status

As of the current moment, Communa is in the initial stages of development, and the team has not completed the process of incorporation. Therefore, the project does not currently operate as a formal company with legal standing.

Regarding the disbursement of grant funds, it's important to note that without incorporation, there is no designated legal entity to receive funds. Our team is actively working towards establishing the necessary legal structure to receive and manage grant funds appropriately.

Resulting in the public good

Communa is more than just a project for us. We invite you to join us on this exciting venture, whether as a collaborator, supporter, or fellow enthusiast in the decentralized space. Together, we can shape the future of freelancing and empower individuals to truly own their work.

Communa is committed to being an open-source platform, regardless of whether we secure financial support from grants. In this early stage of development, we welcome any form of support, be it financial assistance or marketing involvement.

We value collaboration and contributions from the community, recognizing the importance of collective efforts in driving the success of the Communa platform. Together, we can make strides in reshaping the freelancing industry through transparency, security, and efficiency.


Software license

MIT License